These include depressive disorders, typified by prolonged hopelessness and lethargy, and bipolar disorders, the most prominent of which involve alternating between depression and mania.
You learned about the symptoms of depressive and bipolar disorders, and the possible biological, genetic, environmental, and social-cognitive causes of mood disorders.
However, more than 90 percent of people surveyed with depressive disorders in China fail to seek treatment, and only 0.5 percent have received adequate treatment, according to the survey.
In the case of depressive disorders, for most people, after weeks, months, or even years, their depression can end, hopefully with the return to baseline healthy functioning.
It's when sadness and grief extend beyond the generally accepted social norms, or plunge into a depth that causes serious dysfunction that you find yourself in the territory of depressive disorders.
Prior to the pandemic there were around 1 in 10 adults reporting symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorder and now our most recent research shows that around 3 in 10 adults are reporting these symptoms.
There's evidence growing that psychedelics may be effective in helping to treat mood disorders such as major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression and the depression and anxiety that accompany a late-stage cancer diagnosis.
The DSM-5, our handy (if super flawed) user's guide to psychological disorders officially diagnoses a major depressive disorder when a patient has experienced at least five signs of depression for more than two weeks.